Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's National Novel Writing Month

It's that time of year again, National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo, starts tomorrow. For those unfamiliar, NaNoWriMo is an annual project for participants to write a 50,000 word rough draft of a novel during the 30 days of November. The emphasis is on the word rough here. Can't be done, you say? Yes, it can and has. Thousands of writers around the world complete that task every year.

Me? Well, I've participated every year since 2002 and have never been able to make it to the 50,000 word mark. But, that's okay. I use NaNo as a jump start to a new novel every year. As I mentioned in a previous post on here, four out of my five published novels were my NaNo project books.

I'm really excited about my project this year and have spent most of October plotting, outlining, and creating my characters for my book this year. In that previous post, you can read the blurb for this year's book. Am I going to succeed this year and hit that 50,000 word mark? I'm going to do my best, but if I don't, well I'll have a darn good start on my next novel. Wish me luck.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hot Apple Cider

Fall is finally here. It's my favorite time of the year. If I could live in Fall year round, I would be one happy camper. It's comfortable during the day, no air conditioning needed and cook at night, but no heat needed. There's nothing better than to curl up on the couch with a good book and cup of hot apple cider. What do you think? Sound good? If so, I've included my favorite recipe for it below. A word of warning though, it is addicting. One cup and you can't stop. Enjoy.

Hot Apple Cider

1/2 gallon apple cider
1 C. orange juice
1 C. cranberry juice
12 oz. apricot nectar
1 C. sugar
cinnamon sticks

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a crock pot. Heat to desired temperature and serve.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My NaNoWriMo Book

Next month, I'll be again participating in the National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo. The goal is to write a 50,000 word rough draft in 30 days. I've participated since 2002, but have never achieved the 50,000 words in 30 days. However, four out of my five published books were started as NaNo books, so I count that as a success. This year's book is titled, "A Mountain of Deception." Hopefully, it will be available by next summer.

 Tessa Cooper has taken a year long sabbatical from teaching English at a university to go to the mountains of Tennessee to write a novel. She didn't intend to fall in love with the handyman while there or to find herself caught in the middle of some illegal activities, but there she was.
From all outward appearances, Silas Newberry is a man with secrets, including being involved in some bad things. Inadvertently, he has brought Tessa into the middle of them. In his heart, he cares deeply for her, but to keep her safe, he may have to end it, even if she doesn't want to let go.

Wish me luck.

Gothamite Monthly Film Award, December 2024

    I'm excited and honored to announce that my screenplay, Summer Darkness won the award for Best Original Short Film Script from the ...