Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New in January - "A Kitchen Affair"

My next book, "A Kitchen Affair" will be released on January 8, 2013 in e-book format on my publisher's web site. Not long after that, it will be available on and a few months later, the paperback version will be out.

When culinary student Jenny Marshall struggles to pay her tuition, she decides to become a Personal Chef to make ends meet. The most eligible bachelor in town, Derek James, who also happens to be a millionaire, has a crisis. Two days before his Thanksgiving dinner party, his cook has to quit due to a family emergency. Desperate, he hires Jenny to cook for his party and there's chemistry from the start. He likes her, she likes him, but Colleen Michaels, a manager at his company, has set her sights on Derek also and she does everything she can to sabotage his relationship with Jenny. Everyone thinks Colleen is the perfect match for Derek; everyone that is, except Derek. He desperately wants Jenny in his life. However, Colleen has other plans to keep that from happening. What lengths will she go to in order to keep Derek and Jenny apart?

Friday, December 14, 2012

My 5 Favorite Things Blog Event

I'm participating in Secret Cravings Publishing's Five Favorite Things Blog Event. Visit either or both of SCP's Facebook Reader's Group, the SCP Blog or their Facebook Fan page to participate. People who comment on the Facebook pages are then entered into the drawing for books or prizes.

My Five Favorite Things are:
  • Indianapolis Colts football
  • Castle TV show
  • coffee in the morning
  • snow
  • my next book - A Kitchen Affair

So, to see the Secret Cravings Authors Five Favorite Things, including mine, clink on the links above.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Next Best Thing Blog Hop

Fellow romance author Chloe Waits invited me to this event. Hops are a great chance to acquaint yourself with new authors or visit those whose books you enjoy.Below are the answers to the ten interview questions for the Hop, after reading them, please visit Chloe's blog, and any other links that she has for the Hop. Thanks.

1. What was the working and final title of your book?
Luckily, both the working title and the final title of my book were the same.
2. Where did the idea come from for the book?
I started out wanting to write a story about how the different social classes can interact with each other.
3. What genre does your book fall under?
A Kitchen Affair falls would be classified as a Sweet Contemporary Romance.
4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
As I was writing it, I kept thinking of Patrick Dempsey for the hero, but never really thought of anyone in particular for the heroine.
5. What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
How about two sentences? Take one personal chef, add one handsome millionaire bachelor and mix well. Simmer together for three dinner parties and see what cooks up.
6. Will your book be self published or represented by an agency?
to follow in a couple months.
7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I actually started this one as my National Novel Writing Month project in November 2007. After that month, I let it set and went back to it periodically while I was working on some otherbooks. I started back on it this past summer and finished it in August.
8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I really have no idea.
9. Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I work in social services, so the different social classes interested me.
10.What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
My other two book were romantic suspense and although this one is a contemporary romance, there is just a little mystery thrown in.

A Kitchen Affair will be out on or around January 8, 2013. Check back here for updates and
buy links.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

"A Kitchen Affair"

I received the final draft of the cover of my next book, A Kitchen Affair today. I'm very pleased and excited on how it came out.

    Jenny Marshall is struggling to pay her tuition at culinary school, so she decides to become a Personal Chef to make ends meet. Derek James, owner of the James Corporation, has a crisis. His cook quit two days before his Thanksgiving dinner party. He desperate and hires Jenny to prepare the meal.
   The prospects of a relationship between Derek and Jenny begin to look good until Colleen Michaels, a manager at his company, sets her sights on Derek. She convinces Jenny that she's all wrong for Derek, coming from the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak.
   Everyone thinks Colleen is the perfect match for Derek; everyone that is, except Derek. He's fallen for Jenny and desperately wants her in his life. However, Colleen has other plans to keep that from happening. What lengths will she go to in order to keep Derek and Jenny apart?

 A Kitchen Affair will be released on, or around, January 8, 2013 as an e-book, with the paperback to follow a few months later.


Imaginarium 2024 Report

    This past weekend, the Imaginarium Convention for creatives was held. Hundreds of authors, filmmakers, gamers, and artists attended. I, ...