Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Book Coming Soon

I'm celebrating tonight because I just signed a publishing contract for my next book, "A Kitchen Affair," a contemporary romance. The tentative release date for the e-book will be sometime early in 2013 with the paperback to follow a few months later. The specific release dates will depend on how quickly the editor and I can get the edits finished.
I'll post updates as I received them.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bond, James Bond

This month marks James Bond's 50th Anniversary. I'm a huge James Bond fan. My husband and I used to play the first scene of a Bond movie so the other could guess which movie it was. We constantly quizzed each other on Bond trivia and never missed a new movie when it came out.

Bond wasn't the first spy that I fell in love with, nor was he the last. My first favorite spy was Illya Kuryakin, from The Man from U.N.C.L.E. The last spy I loved was my hubby, who was a counter-intelligence agent in the Army. Needless to say, that's why he enjoys watching James Bond movies.

My favorite Bond will always be Sean Connery, but they were all pretty good, although some were better than others, and my favorite Bond movie was The Spy Who Loved Me, which is also my favorite Bond movie theme song. Although, I really like the theme from A View to a Kill by Duran Duran.

So, tell me your favorite Bond actor, girl, song, movie, gadget, moment, or anything Bond.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Bunch of Updates

Just a few updates today. I started working on my NaNoWriMo novel this week. No, no, not writing, I'm plotting, outlining, and researching. I can't start writing it until November 1. i debated on whether to participate this year, but I haven't missed a year since 2002. The project I'm working on will be novella and not the 50,000 words that you're suppose to write in NaNoWriMo, but it will really give me a good start, if not allow me to finish it.

I'll be spending part of today editing an old manuscript that I plan on self-publishing and hopefully have available by March. My goal is to get a couple chapters done before the football game and then maybe a couple after the game.

Lastly, I'm still waiting to hear from my publisher on the manuscript I submitted to them in August. It's past due to hear from them and they haven't responded to my email. Very frustrating, and I have no patience with this. I think it's such a good book and I'm anxious for it to be published.

It's raining here today. I love rainy fall days, but we're due for storms later this afternoon. I don't like that. I hope your weather is better. Have a great day everyone.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Contest Winner

Congratulations to Jessicca Collins, who correctly guessed that the state I am from is Indiana.

Indiana is where the Indianapolis 500 car race is held every year, the Indianapolis Colts are my favorite sports team, and the movies, "Hard Rain" and "A League of their Own" were filmed in Huntingburg about 30 miles from my house.

I assigned everyone a number and then used to chose the winning number for me. For those that sent their answers through the comments section, your answers were not published so everyone would have an equal chance.

A big thanks to everyone who entered.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Where in the World are SCP Authors?

This weekend many Secret Cravings Publishing authors are holding giveaways on their blogs. To enter, all you have to do is visit their blog, read their clues, and make a guess as to where they're from. My clues are below.

Email your guess to to be entered to win a PDF copy of my romantic suspense novel, Saved by the Sheriff. The winner will be randomly drawn from all correct guesses. Deadline to enter is 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time on Sunday, October 7, 2012.

Guess what state I'm from.

1. When working at my day job, I "race" around my state.
2. The movies "Hard Rain" and "A League of their Own" were filmed about 30 miles from my house.
3. My favorite sports team is the Colts.

To visit more Secret Cravings Publishing authors, visit our main Blog Hop page.  Good luck.


Imaginarium 2024 Report

    This past weekend, the Imaginarium Convention for creatives was held. Hundreds of authors, filmmakers, gamers, and artists attended. I, ...