Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Review of "Women Who Kill - Serial Killers"

WOMEN WHO KILL - Serial KillersWOMEN WHO KILL - Serial Killers by R.J. Parker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an interesting book. It was another free Kindle download and I thought it would good for research on a future book. I was pleasingly surprised to find that it was very informative. It held my interest and I found female serial killers to be a very interesting topic.

I did find a few grammatical and formatting errors. At one point, one of the pages repeated itself for about 10-15 pages. There were so many, I lost track of the number. Other than the repeating pages, the errors did not distract from the topic.

Overall, it was a very nice book.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Flash Gold" by Lindsay Buroker: A Review

Flash Gold (Flash Gold Chronicles #1)Flash Gold by Lindsay Buroker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I had been wanted to read a steampunk novel for a long time and recently I found Flash Gold available for free on Kindle. When I want to try a new genre, I often go for the freebies first just in case I don't like it. With Flash Gold, I loved it.

This is a short piece of fiction, only a little over 50 pages, depending on the size font you use on your e-reader. I've always loved mechanical things and this story pulled me right in. Kali is a tinkerer having made her own rifle nearly fully automatic, as well as other countermeasures to protect herself and her shop. Her newly acquired companion, Cedar, who she hired on to help her in her race across the Yukon, is a mysterious man, but very likable.

The book is full of action from being attacked by criminals to an air attack by pirates. There was never a dull moment. My only complaint is that it ended too soon, but kudos to the author, Lindsay Buroker for doing that. It only made me want to read the next book in the series, which I believe is a continuation of this story. It's now on my To Be Read list.

If other steampunk novels are like this, I think I've found a new genre to be a fan of.

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Imaginarium 2024 Report

    This past weekend, the Imaginarium Convention for creatives was held. Hundreds of authors, filmmakers, gamers, and artists attended. I, ...