Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Mill River Recluse: A Review

The Mill River RecluseThe Mill River Recluse by Darcie Chan

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I originally bought this book to read because the author used to live near my area. I know where the house on the cover of the book is located. When I started reading the book, the first chapter interested me in that it gave a little information about all of the main characters. Chapter two was a flashback, chapter three back to present day and so on. I really didn't think I was going to like the flashbacks so often, but as I kept reading, I found that I really liked it.

Ms. Chan's development of the characters drew me in and personalized it for me even more. By the end of the book, I cried tears of joy for the townspeople.

Fantastic book that started slow, but hooked me right in. I highly recommend it.

View all my reviews

Monday, December 26, 2011

Guest Blogging Today

I'm guest blogging today about writing conferences and specifically about the Magna cum Murder Crime Writing Festival on Marian Allen's blog. Please take a moment to stop by.

The photo on the left is from the 2010 Magna cum Murder. From left -right, me, T. Lee Harris, and Marian Allen.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Cravings Club

If you enjoy reading romance, consider joining the Cravings Club with Secret Cravings Publishing for some great reads. To learn more, check out the Cravings Club page on the Secret Cravings web site.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Anniversary Blog Hop - Prizes

Welcome to my day on the Secret Cravings Publishing One Year Anniversary Blog Hop. What does that mean, you ask? Well, Secret Cravings Publishing (SCP) is my publisher for "Saved by the Sheriff" and they are celebrating their one year anniversary with each of their authors posting on their own blogs each day from December 16, 2011 through January 19, 2012. The best thing is that SCP is giving away some really great prizes: First Prize is a Kindle Fire, Second Prize is a $50 gift certificate, and third Prize is a SCP gift Certificate.

What's even better is that each author is also holding their own contest to give away a prize, too. To enter for the SCP prizes, you must post a comment on each blog in the blog hop on their designated day. There's no purchase required, but you do need to leave your email address in the comment. To read the rules and find links to all the blogs, please visit the Secret Cravings Blog.

To be entered in my giveaway, please leave a comment before midnight eastern standard time and the randomly drawn winner will receive a PDF copy of my e-book, "Saved by the Sheriff."

New York City writer, Jaime Wilson wants the Assistant Editor job at Real Mystery Magazine. In order to get it, she has to write a kick-ass story, and what could be better than a 30-year old unsolved murder in a small town.

When Jaime visits Royal, Indiana to investigate, she soon finds that someone in the town doesn't want the mystery solved and she becomes a target. After an arrest for trespassing and an attempt on her life, Sheriff Ben Hunter lets her stay at his place where he can keep an eye on her while she continues to work on her story.

She didn't count on falling in love with the sheriff and he didn't think he would have to work so hard to keep her safe. Finally, when she finishes her story, she has to make her choice whether to stay with Ben or go back to New York.

Saved by the Sheriff can be purchased at

Thanks and good luck in the giveaway,


Monday, December 19, 2011

Release Day

Today is Release Day for my romantic suspense, Saved by the Sheriff. Originally scheduled for a January release, my publisher moved up the date. It's been a hectic time getting ready for today. I've been doing a lot of promoting of the book all weekend and you'll see many interviews popping up with me online.

Saved by the Sheriff is currently released as an e-book with the print version coming out in a couple months. You can purchase Saved by the Sheriff at Secret Cravings Publishing.

Saved by the Sheriff is about
New York City writer, Jaime Wilson who wants the Assistant Editor job at Real Mystery Magazine. In order to get it, she has to write a kick-ass story, and what could be better than a 30-year old unsolved murder in a small town.

When Jaime visits Royal, Indiana to investigate, she soon finds that someone in the town doesn't want the mystery solved and she becomes a target. After an arrest for trespassing and an attempt on her life, Sheriff Ben Hunter lets her stay at his place where he can keep an eye on her while she continues to work on her story.

She didn't count on falling in love with the sheriff and he didn't think he would have to work so hard to keep her safe. Finally, when she finishes her story, she has to make her choice whether to stay with Ben or go back to New York.

Friday, December 16, 2011

My book release, win a Kindle Fire, and lots of other prizes

First, my personal good news. The release date for my romantic suspense, Saved by the Sheriff has been moved up. How much? If all goes according to schedule, the e-book will be released on Monday with the print version to follow later. Check back here on Monday for more details on the release.

Next, my publisher, Secret Cravings Publishing is celebrating their one year anniversary with an Anniversary Blog Hop. Starting today, visit the Secret Cravings blog and see what you need to do to enter to win a Kindle Fire. There will also be gift certificates and discounts on books from the Secret Cravings web site. The Blog Hop will last through January 19 and each day a different author will have their own giveaway on their blog. I will be holding a giveaway on December 22, so check back here on that day.

Don't forget to check back here on Monday for information on the Saved by the Sheriff release.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last year's goals

I decided to take a look at the goals that I made last December and found that I completed some and didn't even get close to others. Here they are and how I did:

1. Lose weight (again) I succeeded with this goal and lost ten pounds, but I've gained five back.

2. Complete at least one new book and maybe two Big fail here, I finished the book I was working on and signed a contract for it. It will be out next month in both print and e-book. I started a new book, but am only on chapter 5.

3. Find a new day job (this one is leaving me no extra time) I'm happy to report that I did find a new day job. It's actually the job I was transferred from. They wanted me back.

4. Clean off our bookshelves and donate our old books to the local book swap We made several trips to the book swap, both taking and bringing home new books for us. But, our shelves are still overloaded.

5. Fill up said bookshelf with new books See answer for #4.

6. Go somewhere on vacation instead of just staying home for a week We did go somewhere camping on our vacation, and even in the rain, we had a great time.

7. Attend one or two writers' conferences I made it to one convention and that's where I met my new publisher.

8. Try my hand at writing a couple short stories Another success, I wrote a couple short stories for my monthly writing exercises with my local writers group and also wrote one that I submitted to an anthology. It's still under consideration, but I'm not holding my breath.

I haven't some up with any goals for 2012 yet. After writing non-stop during nanowrimo in November and then edits on my novel earlier this month, I'm considering myself on vacation from writing for a few weeks. Check back later for an update.

I hope all of you have a great holiday season. Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Facebook and Twitter

I have a new author Facebook page, On there you will be able to receive updates on my writing and book releases. I'd love to have you and a fan. All you need is a Facebook account and to click 'like' on my page.

I am also on Twitter and post on there often,



Purrs in the City Craft Fair

  I'll be selling my mystery novels on Saturday, November 9, 2025 at the Purrs in the City Craft Fair. The event benefits the Animal Pro...