Monday, April 20, 2015

Authors Fairs

April has been a busy month for me. I participated in two authors fairs this month and had a wonderful time at both. The first one was That Book Place's 5th Annual Authors Fair in Madison, Indiana on April 4. It was so much fun seeing old friends and meeting new people. I never want to miss this event. It's a great start to the new season of fairs, festivals, conferences and events.

The second event was the Jeffersonville Township Public Library Authors Fair on April 13 to celebrate National Library Month. Again, I got to see some old friends and meet a few new authors and a few new readers. This was my second year for the event and I hope to continue to return each year.

Thanks to both event coordinators for the invitations and to everyone who stopped by to talk.

Authors Molly Daniels and Madison Sevier taking a few minutes to pose with me.
Author Atty Eve and myself

 Author Stephen Zimmer being interviewed for television

Molly Daniels signing a book for a reader.

Molly's friend and fellow author, Floyd Root is seated to her right.

You never know what you will see at an authors fair.

All of these photos are from the Authors Fair in Madison. sorry, but I didn't get any photos from the Jeffersonville Authors Fair. To find out about my future appearances, check on my web site,

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Another Authors Fair

On April 13, I'll be participating in the Jeffersonville (Indiana) Library Second Annual Authors Fair. I had a wonderful time last year and was excited that they invited me back again this year. The signing is from 5:00 pm through 7:00 pm and I will have all of my paperbacks there for signing. If you are in the area, please take a few moments and stop by to see what all the authors have to offer.

Here I am at last year's Authors Fair.

Gothamite Monthly Film Award, December 2024

    I'm excited and honored to announce that my screenplay, Summer Darkness won the award for Best Original Short Film Script from the ...