Friday, November 26, 2010

Final NaNo Countdown

There's five days left until NaNo ends and my word count is at 12,074. Not my best, but definitely not my worst. It's been difficult finding time to write during the past week. A trip to the ER with a family member last Sunday and followup doctor visits this week has really slowed my writing. I had intended on writing a message here about how to manage finding time to write during Thanksgiving week, but since I wasn't able to do that myself, I figured it wouldn't hold much validity. I know I won't make the 50, 000 words again this year, but I am not giving up and am going to try and at least write something every day until the end of the month.



  1. Carol, 12,074 words in a month with Thanksgiving and a trip to the ER is a WIN in my book! (, no pun intended.) And writing something every day is also a winning goal. To me, the main point of NaNo is to refresh and to announce our identities as Writers. Just making the commitment to NaNo fulfills a goal. You rock!

    Marian Allen

  2. Hey, it's 12K you didn't have at the beginning of November! Marian is right: You're a winner, baby:)

  3. I agree - anything is better than nothing and you did an amazing amount


Gothamite Monthly Film Award, December 2024

    I'm excited and honored to announce that my screenplay, Summer Darkness won the award for Best Original Short Film Script from the ...