Friday, September 14, 2012

Traveling Vietnam War Memorial

It's been an emotional week for me. First was the news of a Marine from a neighboring county being killed in Afghanistan. I didn't know him or his family, but the county that he is from is one of the most supportive counties that I know of when it comes to things like this. Hundreds turned out for his funeral today.

Second, it was the anniversary of the September 11 tragedy in Washington, DC, New York, and Pennsylvania. This is always an emotional day for me because it is so vivid in my mind. I had a friend that was due to fly from Washington to Los Angeles on that day and I was worried that one of the planes might have been his. Thankfully, it wasn't. The events of that day changed so much of what has happened in our world.

Then, it riots in Libya and the death of the ambassador and embassy employees.

Finally, today I visited the Traveling Vietnam Wall Memorial that was in a nearby city. Even with it being a traveling wall, it was still so massive. I was pretty young during the Vietnam War, but I remember sitting on the living room floor as my parents had the evening news on TV and hearing how many had died that day. 

Also in the field where the wall was set up were small memorials for the victims, firefighters, and police officers of September 11.

I'm so glad I took the time to visit this today. God Bless all of the victims of the wars, conflicts, and attacks.


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