Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tag, You're It

Tag, you’re it! Who remembers that game? In this take, the requirement is to copy several paragraphs from your current manuscript with the word ‘look’ in it. I was tagged by Marian Allen. Since my next book, A Kitchen Affair will hopefully be out soon, I'm posting an excerpt where I used the word 'look.'
This is also going to me my Six Sentence Sunday post, where writers post six sentences from one of their books. Okay, so technically my excerpt is seven sentences, but that's okay.
His smile could melt ice and she found herself mesmerized by him. She had to think fast. Could she do this job? Would she look like an absolute fool if the food came out bad? Would working that close to him make her mind start to daydream about him and end up burning the food? How could she not do this? This was Derek James standing in front of her, handsome sexy Derek James. 

My turn to tag and I'm chosing:

Molly Daniels, Molly's Musings
B.C. Brown, B.C. Brown Books
Kat French, That Darn Kat
Jessicca Collins, That's Exactly Write
Liz Flaherty, Romance Author

Please take a moment to visit my friends blogs.

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