Saturday, June 22, 2013


Recently, I have rekindled my interest in photography. It probably has to do with the fact that I bought a new camera about a month ago. I can't believe how many buttons and settings it has on it. But, it's been fun learning how to take photo again. My favorite type of photography is nature photography. Below is a shot I was able to take this past week of a mother deer and her fawn. She actually had twin fawns, but the other was just out of the shot on the left. They were in our front yard and I had to take the picture through our window.

Another favorite subject are my cats. I can almost always count on them to be out and ready for a picture. This one I caught when I saw our tom cat stalking a rabbit a few weeks ago. I couldn't believe I was able to get as close as I did. Fortunately for the rabbit, our cat didn't get his prey.

Lastly, weather pictures are also fun to take, as long as you can do it safely. I was driving home the other day and watched the thunderhead in the photo below grow and grow. I kept looking for a good spot to take a picture of it when I got to the lake close to home. I stopped at a picnic area and got this picture. Unfortunately, I didn't have my new camera with me and used my point and shoot camera, but I think it came out pretty good anyway.

I have lots more ideas for photo subjects and periodically will post some of my pictures here. If you're interested in following me more often. I participate in a project where you are supposed to take a photo everyday. I did this for a while last year before taking a break from it, but I've started up again. I don't always get a photo everyday, but I try. You can find my photo page at the 365Project. You can view the photos in a larger format on there.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Review: "Dead Heat" by Katheen Brooks

Dead HeatDead Heat by Kathleen Brooks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the Bluegrass Series and I was not disappointed. Ms. Brooks continues with the same characters that I loved and in the same locale. The mystery and suspense were wonderful and kept me on the edge of my seat. I didn't want to stop reading and even had to sneak a few chapters in a work during down times.

One of the reason I enjoyed the series so much is that I'm familiar with the region of Kentucky that she writes about, but even if you aren't, you'd still enjoy it. She paints a perfect picture of the Bluegrass State and it was so easy to visualize main street where much of the action takes place.

She write fantastic characters; so believable that you just want to hug your favorites and slap the villains.

I highly recommend this author's books and I will continue reading her next series.

View all my reviews

The Star Chamber Show with Carol Preflatish

I had such a wonderful time on The Star Chamber Show last night with Stephen Zimmer and Holly Marie Phillippe . Thank you to them for havin...