Saturday, March 29, 2014

2014 Authors Fair - Madison, Indiana

I spent the night of March 14 and all day on March 15 in Madison, Indiana at the 4th Annual Authors Fair at That Book Place bookstore. As usual, I had a wonderful time and our gracious hosts, Frank and Kim Hall, as well as all of their workers, took very good care of us. A big THANKS to them for all that they did.

Friday night's panel discussions were held at the Ponderosa Steakhouse next door to the bookstore. Panels were held on genre mashups, the art and craft of writing, and traditional vs electronic publishing. Participants answered a lot of questions throughout the evening for some very informative sessions.

Saturday was the actual Authors Fair. I shared a table again this year with author, Molly Daniels/Kenzie Michaels. It's always a fun time with Molly around. It was like a big party and so wonderful seeing old friends and meeting new ones. The weather wasn't too bad with a little wind and chilly temps keeping us on our toes. I think we only had to grab the canopy a few times to keep it from blowing away, like last year.

Fellow author, Kayelle McClive also stopped by to show us her new paperback, "Confederate Moon," but couldn't stay this year. We missed you Kay.

Also sharing our table was mystery/fantasy author, James Peercy and his wife, Claudette, all the way from Texas. Both James and Claudette were super people and, as you can see by James' outfit, so much fun to have around.

We were also located next to the Three Fates Press. Above are my good friends,  T. Lee Harris and Marian Allen. They had a lot of people stop by their both.

Unfortunately, both the crowd and the number of authors were a lighter this year. Hopefully, that was due to the Milton-Madison bridge over the Ohio River suddenly being closed. I did sell some books and handed out lots of bookmarks and cards, so I'm calling the weekend a success.

Frank promises that next year's 5th Annual That Book Place Authors Fair will be a blowout. I, for one, can't wait. County me in, Frank. I can't wait.


1 comment:

  1. "It's always a fun time with Molly around. It was like a big party and so wonderful seeing old friends and meeting new ones."

    Awwww.....Thanks sweetie:) I always enjoy being with you too!


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