Monday, September 22, 2014

Imaginarium 2014

I spent this past weekend at the Imaginarium Writing Convention Held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Louisville, KY and what fun that was. Besides meeting so many new and wonderful authors, I made lot of new friends. I helped man the Kentuckiana Authors table, an organization that I am very proud to be a part of.

I was a guest panelist on several of the discussion panels and attending a few others. There were such good topics covered for just about any genre you could think of. Unfortunately, there were too many good panels and I missed a few I would have loved to attend because there was another one at the same time. Scheduling conflicts is something you just have to deal with at conventions and pick the panels you want to attend the most. With any luck, you can meet up with the authors from the panels you missed in the bar, lobby, or at their table and pick their brain a little. My favorite workshop that I attended was "A No-Nonsense, No-Gimmick Approach to Marketing Your Books" presented by Eric Beebe, who was also my neighbor from across the aisle. He gave fantastic information about marketing your book for the most sales. I will definitely be purchasing his book that he has coming out next month about marketing.

In addition to learning so much about writing, so many exciting things can happen, like below. Five minutes into my first panel, the fire alarm sounded and everyone had to evacuate the building. Luckily, it was nothing and we were allowed back inside after a short wait outside. Thank goodness it wasn't raining, hot, or in the middle of the night.

Then, there are just some fun people.
Per Bastet Publications

Publisher and Author, Tony Acree and myself

Frank Hall, owner of That Book Place and the Gaming Director for Imagininarium

And finally, a big thanks to the Convention Director, Steven Zimmer. He put on an awesome convention and one that I will definitely participate in again and again. Thanks to all that were involved in making this a very rememorable weekend.

Next month, I get to do this all over again at Magna cum Murder in Indianapolis. 


*I borrowed a couple of the above photos from Facebook friends, but I failed to write down their names to give credit. If you took any of these photos and would like for me to take them down or give you credit, please e-mail me at

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun was had by all! Wish I could have been there:)


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