Saturday, November 10, 2018

Sisters in Crime Book Signing

Today's Sisters in Crime Derby Rotten Scoundrels chapter book signing at the Barnes & Noble on Hurstbourne Pwky, Louisville, KY. Thanks to everyone who came out to visit and buy books and thank you to Barnes & Noble for having us.

Carol Preflatish and Hope Donalee

Beth Henderson and Lynn Slaughter

Elaine Munch

Carol Preflatish and Hope Donalee with Jim Fraze, Hope's cousin and my friend.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month began today. If you aren't familiar with NaNoWriMo, the goal is write a first draft of a 50,000 word novel in 30 days (November). I've participated 12 times, but have only made it to the 50,000 word goal once.

I'm off to a good start so far. Tomorrow will be a problem. I have an appointment with the eye doctor and my eyes will be dilated for most of the day. Actually, the whole month of November is a problem. It seems to always be my busiest month. Thanksgiving falling at the end of the month doesn't help either. However, I'm giving it a shot again this year and starting a new book.

If you want to keep up on my progress, you can find a chart on the right side of this blog. It will be updated each night when I have finished writing for the day.

Keep you fingers crossed and wish me good luck.


Updated with my badges:

November 6, 2018

Gothamite Monthly Film Award, December 2024

    I'm excited and honored to announce that my screenplay, Summer Darkness won the award for Best Original Short Film Script from the ...