Saturday, February 26, 2011

Who knew I liked castles?

Two nights ago, my husband and I were watching Jeopardy. We rarely miss an episode. One of the categories was Castles. I think I only got one answer right in that category, but it really peaked my interest in castles. I suddenly had an urge to visit a castle. I figured that most castles were in Europe, but found out that I was wrong. Did you know there are over 70 castles in the United States? Probably the most well known U.S. castle is the Biltmore Castle in Asheville, North Carolina, pictured above. A couple of them are even within a long driving distance from me. Can anyone predict where I will want to go on vacation this year?

By now, you're probably asking yourself what does this have to do with my writing? To be honest, I'm not sure. None of the books that I have planned have anything to do with a castle. However, I have an old manuscript which was the first one I ever wrote. The writing was bad, but I still think the story is salvageable. I'm currently working on a rewrite. If I remember correctly, somewhere in that story, the main characters go to Europe and may end up at a castle. It's been a while since I wrote or read that manuscript, but either way they may end up there during the rewrite.

Finally, this week I sent off my "baby." That being the manuscript that I just finished writing and editing. Keep your fingers crossed that the publisher likes it. I'll keep you updated.


Thursday, February 17, 2011


At my writers' group meeting last night, we were supposed to bring a book that inspired us. The books that my follow writers brought were wonderful. I plan on reading a few that were mentioned. When it was my turn to tell what book inspired me, I explained that I thought hard about a book to bring and decided that I don't think I have read a book that I could say inspired me. But, I went on to explain that there was one book that I was very impressed with when I read it. It is Stephen King's biography, On Writing. I really enjoyed reading about his struggles to become published. The funny thing is that I don't even like any of the Stephen King's books. I'm not a horror fan.

As we continued to talk about him, I did mention that there were a few movies I like that were adapted from his books. (Yes Marian, I'm going to say it.) My favorite movie made from one of his books is Secret Window. Of course, the fact that Johnny Depp was in it, didn't hurt matters any. Secret Window is a thriller and I'm happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the ending. I would have never guessed that.

I think I will pull out my DVD to watch tonight and then read On Writing when I go to bed. Sweet dreams.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine's Day Memories

I have lots of Valentine's Day memories from elementary school to adulthood. I think I had my first boyfriend when I was in the third grade. Remember the little boxes of valentines that our parents bought us to give to our classmates? I remember choosing a special one for my boyfriend. Oh wow, and I remember the one he gave me actually said, I love you. This was in the third grade!

We were an on again, off again couple through the fifth grade. I remember one day when recess was over and we were all heading back to our class, he pulled me aside by the classroom door. I was so afraid I would be late getting to my desk, but he pleaded for me to wait. While his sister and her boyfriend watched, he gave me three little fur-covered ceramic rabbits, a mama and her two bunnies attached with a chain. My first boyfriend gift. Well, that relationship faded out over that year, but you know I still have those rabbits somewhere in a closet.

When my husband and I were dating, he was quite the romantic. At the time, he was a Deputy Sheriff working the four-to-midnight shift. He often would stop by my house to visit for a few minutes and I always had my police scanner on to listen to his calls. Sometimes that was okay and sometimes it was a little scary, especially when I heard him take off on a foot pursuit of a suspect by himself. At least once every night, he would drive by my house and key the microphone a couple times letting me know he came by, or even better was when he would drive by earlier in the evening and flip on the red lights. I had close neighbors, so he didn't do that too often.

My favorite Valentine's Day story about him was when he told me he was going to bring his gift sometime in the middle of the night and there was no way I was going to catch him. Oh, and he said that the neighbors would love seeing it the next morning. I figured he was going to put something on my the hood of my car, so I kept the front curtains open and lights off. I was determined to catch him and not be embarrassed by my neighbors. You know what, I was not able catch him, but I did get the gift before the neighbors saw it. Out of a huge piece of plywood, he had cut out a heart, painted it bright red, nailed it to a stake, and planted it in my front yard. I don't know how he got it there without me seeing him. I must have missed him by only a few minutes. It's been a while since he's done anything like that, but that's okay. He's my Valentine every day now.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day and especially to my best friend, Sandy and her special guy, Dave. They are both special people to me.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow and more snow

I love snow, as you can see by the background photo of my blog, but this winter has really tested my love for the soft white flakes. I haven't actually check the facts, but I think we have had at least one snow storm every week since Christmas. We've had so much snow on the ground that it seems strange to see grass once it's melted. I do know that last week was the first week since Christmas that school was in session every day. The poor kids are going to have attend into June now to make up the days.

I'm really not a believer in global warmer, or climate change, or whatever they are calling it now. This has just been a freaky winter of continuous cold weather. The good news is that March is only a few weeks away and at that time, I'll be complaining about all the severe storms we get and wishing it were February again.

Update on my writing: I only a have a few pages left to write on my synopsis. Have I mentioned I hate writing those things? Oh, yeah I guess I have. This week I was pleasantly surprised to find a royalty check in the mail and that was a nice belated birthday present for me. I'm hoping to get started on my next project soon. I have been doing a little preliminary work on it already, but want to buckle down and start to do some actual writing soon.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday and my beloved Colts are not in it. I'm not a big fan of either team, Packers or Steelers, so I don't really care who wins. I'm sure I'll watch the game, but more for the commercials than the game itself.

Have a great day, spring will be here soon.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Thanks to everyone who voted for my novel and myself in the 2010 Preditors & Editors Readers' Poll. My novel, Love, Lies & Deceit came in 8th place in the Romance Novel category and I came in 14th place in the Author category. Thanks again, everyone.


Gothamite Monthly Film Award, December 2024

    I'm excited and honored to announce that my screenplay, Summer Darkness won the award for Best Original Short Film Script from the ...