Monday, September 12, 2011

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe has always been my favorite author. For a couple years in college, I majored in English and whenever the topic of favorite authors came up, I said Poe was mine. You wouldn't believe the odd looks that I received. But, why not Poe? Even through his addiction to alcohol and possible mental illness, his short stories and poems were superb.

This past weekend I tried to write a Poe-like story to submit to an anthology. Finding it very difficult, I completed about a page and a half. I need no more than 10,000 words and have until the end of this month to finish it. Writing in first-person is not something I do very often. It's going to be a slow process of trying to get inside of Poe's head to write this story. After all, I'm not an alcoholic and I don't think I have a mental illness, although there may be some that think otherwise.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Don't try to get inside Poe's head--try to get inside the head of some unbalanced person who thinks he or she is perfectly sane. Try to get inside MY head. --Oh, did I say that out loud?

    Marian Allen
    Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes


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