Wednesday, September 20, 2023

My new web site coming soon


Welcome to my temporary main web site, otherwise known as my blog. If you recently tried to visit, you would have found that it is no longer there. My web host recently changed and all the emails I received said I had to do nothing. What I found out today was that I still have my domain, but no web site. Bear with me while I rebuild my site with a new host. It's not going to be a quick build, so until then, check back here for any updates.

Remember the old "under construction" graphic we all saw when we first got on the internet?




  1. It disappeared? That's crazy! So goes the glamorous writing life. SMH.

    1. it's partly my fault and partly not. No matter what, I would have needed to built a new site. Now, it's more urgent.


Fall into Books book signing

    I, along with 18 other authors, will be at the Jeffersonville, Indiana Library on October 18, 2024 for their Fall into Books event. I...