Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A to Z April Challenge

I must be crazy. Why, you ask? Well, just a few minutes ago, I signed up for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. That means I will be post a blog every weekday in April, starting with the letter A. If you have read my blog for a while, you know that I don't blog, but maybe once or twice a week. I've never be able to come up with enough ideas to blog every day. Maybe with the A to Z Challenge having a daily theme using the alphabet, I might be able to do it.

Actually, I have already made a list of ideas to write about, but that doesn't mean that I will actually be able to do it. I'm trying to do the 365Project challenge of taking a post a picture every day. So far, I have missed two days since January 1. Not bad, but I losing interest. At least with blogging, it's writing and a good exercise for an author to do.

So, come April 1, stop by and see how things go.


Friday, February 24, 2012

Now in Paperback

I'm excited to announce that Saved by the Sheriff is now available in paperback.

You can order your copy at Secret Cravings Publishing.



Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pain in the Back

Have you ever had a pain in the back? No, not that kind of pain in the back, but real back pain. That's what I've been experiencing for the last couple of days, excruciating lower back pain. I'm starting on medication today, so for any of my Facebook and Twitter friends, I may not be online much this weekend.

It's amazing the things we'll do when in pain. We received our tax refund this week, so I just had to go get a Kindle Fire yesterday, pain or no pain. Any other time and I would have stayed at home alternating ice and heat on my back. Which actually may be a good thing because I can so a lot of things with it while sitting on the couch today.

I'll also be dragging my laptop to the couch, but from what I understand sitting for long periods of time is not good for your back. I'm working on my posture, which is supposed to help. We'll see how it goes. It's been a long time since I've have back pain like this.

They say massage helps. Hmmmm, I wonder if I can get my cat to massage my back.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentines Day Blog Hop

My apologies for being late in the day putting up my post for the With Love Valentines Day Blog Hop, but I'm here now. So, here’s how the hop goes each of the participating author is going to run a contest on their blog for the readers to enjoy! From February 11, 2012 through February 14, 2012, you can visit hundreds of authors' blog for a chance to win a prize from each of them.

Click here to find the list of participating blogs.

My contest is for a copy of my e-book, Saved by the Sheriff. Leave a comment and your email address and at the end of the Blog Hop, I'll draw a name for the winner.

Make sure you stop by all the stops on the hop. The more stops, the more you could win.


New York City writer, Jaime Wilson wants the Assistant Editor job at Real Mystery Magazine. In order to get it, she has to write a kick-ass story, and what could be better than a 30-year old unsolved murder in a small town.

When Jaime visits Royal, Indiana to investigate, she soon finds that someone in the town doesn't want the mystery solved and she becomes a target. After an arrest for trespassing and an attempt on her life, Sheriff Ben Hunter lets her stay at his place where he can keep an eye on her while she continues to work on her story.

She didn't count on falling in love with the sheriff and he didn't think he would have to work so hard to keep her safe. Finally, when she finishes her story, she has to make her choice whether to stay with Ben or go back to New York.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


We all have hobbies, right? I collect things. Some of current and past collecting hobbies include stamps, coins, golf balls, and shot glasses. But, my new old hobby is photography. I used to be a very avid photographer and while in high school had hoped it would be my profession. Once I realized how expensive photography was back in those days of film and darkrooms, I gave up on that career path.

However, I still remained active it in and even sold a few photos, had several published in the local and regional newspapers, and finally hit the big time when some photos I took during a flood that were published in a national magazine. As with many other things, life and work got in the way of photography and I drifted away. As a stress reliever, I started writing and well, you know where that's taken me.
Lately, my interest in photography has peaked again. I dug out my old digital camera that I thought didn't work and, thanks to my husband, he rehabilitated it. I joined the 365project where you take and upload a photo every day. Trying to find a photo to take every day has proven to be a challenge. I started on January 1 and I think I've exhausted all of the photo opps between my home and my office. Winter is also not the best time to take pictures. It's been pretty drab around here. We've had hardly no snow, so no pretty snowy landscape pictures yet. Despite of that, I think I have only missed one or two days so far, which I think is pretty good.

Unfortunately, photography has taken time away from my writing and I'm going to have to figure out a way to do both. Lately, I've been writing over my lunch hour at work and photography at night. But, writing at work means doing it in longhand and now I have about twenty pages that I need to find time to type up. That's like a whole chapter.

If you're interested in following along with my photography, you can find my photos on the 365Project page at


Click on the 365 album link to see all of my photos. The pictures I've added to this blog post are three from my album.


Gothamite Monthly Film Award, December 2024

    I'm excited and honored to announce that my screenplay, Summer Darkness won the award for Best Original Short Film Script from the ...