Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Weekend camping

We had a big family camp out this weekend with my husband's family. It's an annual thing and as usual, we had a blast. No major injuries this year, last year we had a little one with a bee sting. At the left is the lake that our campground was next to. There are several campgrounds in the park and we had this one all to ourselves. A lot of the family members tried their hand at fishing, but the fish were smarter than we were and no one caught anything.

Night time was the best, with all of us sitting around the campfire just talking. It was warm during the day, but cool enough at night that we could enjoy the heat from the fire.

We saw one snake during the camp out and that was a water snake in the lake.  I think if you look close enough at the photo below, you can see it. There's also a fish just below it and to the left to prove that there were fish in that lake.

However, that snake was not the last one we would see for the weekend. When we got home on Sunday, we found the "little" guy below in our house. We live in a pretty wooded area and it's not uncommon for us to find a black rat snake in the house in the summer. I've gotten used to them and as long as I'm not surprised by them or step on one, I'm okay with it. My husband catches them and puts them back outside, WAY away from the house.



  1. The campsite looks beautiful, Carol. We camp during the summer a lot, too, but with the kids we generally go to Buffalo Trace. Invariably we forget stuff and it's nice that we can go home for it and be back to "camp" in ten minutes.

    The snake would've freaked me out. Not a herpiphile.

  2. Yay for camping! We use to camp before we had our little guy. Hopefully soon we can get back into it and he might love it as much as we do. Love those pictures!


Gothamite Monthly Film Award, December 2024

    I'm excited and honored to announce that my screenplay, Summer Darkness won the award for Best Original Short Film Script from the ...