Friday, June 17, 2011


I started my vacation today. Well, I guess you could say technically I started it yesterday, but I went to the dentist so that doesn't count. We don't have any specific plans to do anything, other than a quick camping trip next week.

Today, we went fishing. I forgot to take the camera with us so I can't show you the big fish we both caught, and if you believe that, I will be glad to sell you the land we fished on, which is federally owned. Our total catch was four small bluegill. We should have known it wasn't going to be a good trip when we got there. My husband likes to fish with a fly rod and as he was putting the rod together, he discovered that it was broken. His favorite and most expensive rod was now useless. I asked if he wanted to just go back home, or go home and get his other rod, but he said no.

The next three hours were spent with us taking turns using my rod and reel. I started out using nightcrawlers, but the fish only nibbled on them, never hitting the hook. Steve decided to try putting one of the artificial lures from my tackle box on the line. On his third cast, it got tangled on a rock and he had to break the line, losing my lure.

Next, he tried putting some of his various flies on the line and that's when we caught the fish. We knew there were big fish in the water because we could see them coming to the surface periodically. I guess they just weren't hungry. We're going to try again on Monday and see what we can do. This time, however, he will be bring two fly rods just in case something happens to one of his again and I may take some redworms instead of nightcrawlers.

Wish us luck,

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