Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mea Culpa

For those of you that subscribe here to update notices, probably received a notice about a post for a recipe for Mini Chocolate Chip Muffins. Well, I goofed and posted the recipe here instead of on my food blog, Carol's Food Bites. When I realized the mistake, I immediately moved the recipe over to that blog. Sorry for the confusion, but if you want to see the recipe, just hop on over there and take a look.

To update on me, I have been very busy getting ready for the first signing for my book, Saved by the Sheriff. It will be March 17 at That Book Place's Second Annual Author Fair in Madison, Indiana. My printer has been working overtime printing materials to give away at the signing. I still have a few things to get together and then I believe I'll be ready. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, so if you are in the neighborhood of Madison, please stop by and say hi to me.


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