Sunday, March 4, 2012

Crazy Week

The past week has been crazy for me. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were really slow days at work for me since it was the end of the month. Wednesday night, we had some severe weather come through, but nothing like what we were in store for later on Friday.

Thursday was a wonderful day, sunny and warm. It sure looked like spring had arrived. My husband and I didn't get a chance to go out to dinner for Valentine's Day, so we took that opportunity on Thursday night by going to a Mexican restaurant and we had some marvelous food.

Friday ended up being a pretty bad day around southern Indiana as tornadoes swept through the area. Between two and three o'clock, we were under the first of, I believe, three tornado warnings. For those of you that have read me for a while, know I am terrified of wind storms. This time, I wasn't so much. I'm also an amateur radio operator and weather spotter, so I took my post in front of our building to watch the clouds. As long as it wasn't pouring down rain, I stood my ground watching for the funnel cloud that had been

About fifteen minutes later, I saw it over the roof of the church across the street. The photo on the right is the wall cloud from which the funnel cloud came out of a few minutes later. My office doesn't have a basement, but we had already discussed where we would go for shelter, which was an interior hallway, and that's where we all headed.

We were lucky, it didn't touch down, but I did hear it pass over the office. Pretty scary stuff. Unfortunately, the people of Henryville, Indiana and east of them were not so lucky with most of the town destroyed. My heart goes out to them.

They say the weather in the Ohio Valley can change in an instant. Well, it has again because right now we're under a Winter Weather Advisory and have about an inch of snow on the ground. Driving to work in the morning is going to be an interesting trip.


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