Saturday, April 28, 2012

Y: Yippee, it's almost over

I suppose I really shouldn't say yippee, but I needed a Y word today and it seemed to fit. This was the first time I participated in the A to Z April Challenge and found it to be exactly that, a challenge.

Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but for me it was difficult to blog daily and coming up with the topics for a few of the letters was demanding. For the most part, the first thing that popped in my head is what I wrote about.

The toughest letters for me were P, T, W, and X. For the letter P, I came up with so many ideas, it was hard for me to choose just one. The letter that caused me the most difficulty was X and the one that caused me the most work was Z. Obviously, I haven't posted that one yet and I don't want to give it away. All I'll say is that I had to read a whole book for that letter.

Will I participate again next year? My answer right now is no, but I'm sure that when time rolls around, I'll suck it up and o it again. Hopefully, I've picked up some new followers. If you're one of them, please don't expect me to keep up with the daily posting. With a full time job and trying to write another book, there's just not time for me to do this daily and congratulations to my fellow bloggers who will complete the whole month.


A to Z Blog Challenge


  1. Part of me is sad it's over, but I will be happy for my time back. I spent way too much time on blogs this month. Just popping by to say hello. :)

  2. I hear ya--first A-Z for me, too, and it was indeed a "challenge". Never thought I'd make it, and back in January I had this great plan for writing most post in advance, get them edited and everything. LOL. Didn't happen, and for most of the month, I winged it. Like you, I wrote mostly about the first thing that popped into my mind, and a lot of the posts turned into rambles far beyond the 200-word limit I'd "imposed" on myself.

    Still, it was great fun--and I met some incredible people! New follower here, and fellow writer :)

  3. I was able to write several of mine ahead of time, thanks to being off from work for two weeks due to an unexpected surgery. Luckily, I was able to keep up after returning to work. Thanks for reading me.


  4. I'm glad you participated in A to Z! It is a lot of blogging, but it's so fun to 'meet' new people this way.


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