Sunday, April 1, 2012

A - Z Blog Challenge Day 1

What the hell have I gotten myself into? Today is day one of the A- Z April Blog Challenge. The premise is to get people blogging and every day in April (except Sunday's, other than today), participants are to write something on their blog based on the letter of the alphabet starting with A. If you follow my blog blog regularly, you know that I don't post every day. I try to get a post up here at least weekly, but sometimes even that doesn't happen. So, this will be a challenge for me.

I started preparing for this early in March when I signed up. I made a list of letters and then started listing topics by each letter and it wasn't as hard as I thought. Many times, I came up with more than one topic to choose from for one letter. I came up with at least one idea for each letter, except for one and I'm still working on that one.

If you want to follow me on my journey through the alphabet, please sign up for email alerts by filling in your email address in the box on the right.

Today's letter is A and I wrote about the A - Z April Blog Challenge.



  1. Choosing the blogfest itself--very clever. I barely post once a week too, so this will be difficult.

  2. Sounds like you are well-prepared! Good luck to you :)

  3. Talking about the challenge itself is a great way to begin.


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